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Accuracy of datum refers the nearness of the value v to some value v’ in the attribute domain, which is considered as the (or maybe only a) correct one for the entity e and the attribute a. In some cases, v’ is referred to as the standard. If the datum’s value v coincides value v’, the datum is said to be correct. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Accuracy to reference source

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The degree of precision of the presentation of an attribute’s value should reasonably match the degree of precision of the value being displayed. The user should be able to see any value the attributer may take and also be able to distinguish different values. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Precision

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1) Ability to distinguish neatly (without ambiguities) null and default values from applicable values of the domain.

2) Completeness refers to the degree to which values are present in a data collection, as for as an individual datum is concerned, only two situations are possible: Either a value is assigned to the attribute in question or not. In the latter case, null, a special element of an attribute’s domain can be assigned as the attribute’s value. Depending on whether the attribute is mandatory, optional, or inapplicable, null can mean different things.

REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Completeness of optional attributes

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Consistency, in popular usage, means that two or more things do not conflict with one another. This usage extends reasonably well to data values, although a bit of added discipline is desired. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Value consistency

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A datum value is up-to-date if it is correct in spite of a possible discrepancy caused by time related change to the correct values; a datum is outdate at time t if it is incorrect at t but was correct at some time preceding t. currency refers to a degree to which a datum in question is up-to-date. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Data freshness

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Good format, like good views, are flexible so that changes in user need and recording medium can be accommodated. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Appropriate presentation

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The most important quality characteristic of a format is its appropriateness. One format is more appropriate than another if it is better suited to users’ needs. The appropriateness of the format depends upon two factors: user and medium used. Both are of crucial importance. The abilities of human users and computers to understand data in different formats are vastly different. For example, the human eye is not very good at interpreting some positional formats, such as bar codes, although optical scanning devices are. On the other hand, humans can assimilate much data from a graph, a format that is relatively hard for a computer to interpret. Appropriateness is related to the second quality dimension, interpretability. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Interpretability

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Representation consistency refers to whether physical instances of data are in record with their formats. For example, an EMPLOYEE’s salary cannot be represented “$AXT,” as there is (or should be) no such element in S. One would often like to know whether a physical instance is the proper representation for the intended (correct) value. But in practice this is rarely possible, as the intended value is conceptual and not known. So one is left with the issue of whether the representation conflicts with S. REDMAN, T. C. 1997. Data quality for the information age, Artech House, Inc.

Related Characteristic: Meta-data compliance